Immune Profiling Multi-Omics Data Analysis Services

We partner with Ardigen, a world-leading AI CRO that transforms immune profiling single-cell multi-omics datasets, generated using dCODE® reagents, into ready-to-use scientific insights.

Download Example Report

The detailed report from Ardigen includes:

  • Introduction
  • Methodology used
  • Preprocessing
  • Cell Type Annotation
  • TCR and BCR Quality Control
  • T Cell Analysis
  • B Cell Analysis
  • Data Interpretation
  • Summary
  • References
  • MultiQC Report

Download Example Report

Fill in the form below to download an example of the report provided as part of the Immune Profiling Multi-Omics Data Analysis Services from Ardigen.

Data Analysis Services

Learn more about our partnership with Ardigen to provide data analysis services for dCODE® datasets.

dCODE Dextramer®

Ready-to-use reagents for analysis of antigen-specific T cells.

dCODE Klickmer®

Customizable reagents for the analysis of antigen-specific B cells and beyond.